Dunlop Road Criterium

Eastern Cycling Club – B Grade

A full compliment of 25 riders set off on a warm up lap.  And it really was a warm up lap  with an average speed of just 28kph.  This compares with the final lap of over 43kph.  So no wonder there was constant chattering in the pack.  It took 2 further laps before the real pace went on as the first escape attempt was chased down.  Due to the generally high speed throughout, overall average speed was a tad over 38kph, attacks were few in number and generally brief affairs.  The moderate northerly meant only the very strong or foolish would be out there on their own – so that means not me.  From where I was down the back’o’bunch I can recall seeing the tails of Rob Harris, John Pritchard (only once!), Quentin Frayne chasing and hooking on with someone, and perhaps one or two others unknown to me.

At about 3/4 race distance the combination of the wedding cars down the back straight and the problem of passing another large bunch without crossing white lines caused the bunch captain to haul things in until an appropriate passing manoeuvre could be safely achieved.  This took quite a long time but once completed the pace lifted again.  The strongest surge occurred on Lap 14 where the second quickest lap of 2:03 min was set with a maximum of 52kph in the chasing bunch.  Once those escapees were pulled back it took another 4 laps before the bell sounded for the final loop.  While the pace was brisk it still enabled a lot of moving up as riders jockeyed for positions and wheels heading for the inevitable bunch sprint.

That tail wind and the presence of some very strong sprinters meant the speed was very high rounding the sweeping bend and into the straight.  I was sitting pretty on Ray Russo’s wheel until somehow I lost it on the corner.  I took up station behind brother Quentin who I know has a pretty mean sprint on him when in form.  Alas today was not the day and he started to fade with 75m to go.  I felt I had more so clicked down another gear and stepped harder on the pedals to gradually slide past him on his left.  Argh!  Should have gone right as I had run into a wall of riders and had to ease while a gap formed.  I dug in again and managed to accelerate past a few more riders before the line.

My sprint hit a maximum of 60.2kph yet that was not enough to get near the podium.  A very race fit Ray Russo (my man!) took the prize closely followed by Ross Tinkler with Peter Castillo and Glen Pascall in the mix.  This was a classic Dunlop Road criterium, warm sunny day and a full compliment of 25 riders getting around safely and at good speed.


Overall stats

Overview of laps

Last lap with the final sprint maxing everything out.

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