2012 Club Champs Road Race

So I’m the Eastern Club Road Race Champ again after 2 years off the top step of the  podium. Wins are very hard to come by these days and I had to wait to join the ‘super crusties’ in the 60 – 65 age group to get away from those young guns and give myself a chance 🙂 It’s hard to switch the mindset out of ‘survival mode’ into ‘I should be able to win this’ mode.

Of 16 eligible riders in our age group only 3 lined up. Rats! The only way I can resolve a hollow feeling is to say they were all just mentally beaten before the start line. This course has a 6km climb at the 15km mark with rolling hills to suffer on over the return journey and that often deters the crit riders. Then again there was the small matter of a big VVCC handicap happening on the same day. Whatever the reason all you can do is compete against whomever turns up.

Our little grupetto was first to roll out on the 58km Yarra Junction ‘out and back’ course. Peter Webb and myself began rolling turns at a steady pace with Steve Fothergill taking a sit. Surprisingly Steve then dropped off the back after only 5km presumably content with a training ride and a bronze medal. Pete and I continued sharing the driver’s seat on and out towards Powelltown where the climb awaited us. We had already been passed by a few of the leaders of younger bunches but mostly the big groups were still behind us.

As we hit the first steeper section of the hill I was surprised to hear Peter say, “off you go”! The scenario I’d been playing over in my head before the race was all about a battle on the hill since Peter is a solid rider and a pretty decent climber. But that wasn’t to be and so, assuming I’d just been handed a mental advantage, I took his advice and pushed away setting up a steady rhythm for a substantial lead at the summit. To press the advantage I continued to push all the way to the turn around with the idea of assessing the gap when we passed as I headed for home. And the gap as we crossed was a presumably safe 2km.

Rather than ease off I decided to test the legs and continued to push back over the rolling hills to the summit. Even on the descent I continued to ride, perhaps a little more cautious than on previous occasions due to the patches of wet road and a couple of sharp turns. Let’s not put it down the road now! At Powelltown the wind seems a little stronger and I spent most of the 15km home stretch on the drops in Time Trial mode. At last the finish came into view and with no dramas or problems I happily scooped up the prize. Bewdy!




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