Nice loop around Mont Ventoux

Judging by the number of bunches out there this morning this loop around the base of Mont Ventoux is a well known favourite with locals and travellers alike. I set off at about 7:30 with a brisk (very brisk it seems 83.4kph!) descent from Mt Serein down to Malaucene.

steep means fast

84kph – you wanna be awake already

… and ready to roll …

Malaucène awakes

The run across to Bedoin is on a gorgeous bit of undulating road with a perfectly smooth surface and complete with manicured topiaried bushes throughout. I’m looking forward to getting a chance to post some videos to go with the blog but I need a good wifi connection – which I don’t have right now. So a few screen shots will have to suffice.

I roll into Bedoin as it begins to wake up and delivery vans are negotiating the narrow streets and the numerous cyclists who are already out and about – beating the heat like moi! Instead of joining the sufferfesters who are heading for Mt Ventoux (I did that last Sunday) I take a quiet road to Villes-sur-Auzon through some pretty rural countryside.  Again I am seeing lots of cyclists heading in both directions and I realise this is a well wheeled path.


The ‘Beast’ is never far away – watching from the horizon

This is especially the case after I pass through Villes-sur-Auzon and take the road to the Gorges de la Nesque.  Wow what a road!  It’s about a 20km easy climb, 5%-ish, made painless by the constant distraction of some really amazing scenery.  Again I’m coming across bunches of riders including some of the local ‘crusties’ out for their morning constitutional.  Great stuff!

In the Gorges de la Nesque

Eventually the gorge ends and it’s into the open for a slightly windy stretch to Sault, the village on a hill.  I hunt around and find some Eau Potable that I’ll be needing for the next stretch, the climb to the summit of Mt Ventoux.

Got to be wary of the constant hazards

The climb from this direction is the easiest of the three.  The road is rough though compared to the other two but it’s pleasant enough with a good shading of trees, some neat false flats and lots of fellow riders, young and old, heading skywards.

With the more gradual gradient I manage to keep the speedo ticking along at around 15 kph and even hitting 30kph in one of the flatter sections.  However all that ends on arrival at the junction with the road coming up from Bedoin, at Chalet Reynard.

Approaching Chalet Reynard

From there it’s 6km to the summit averaging 9 – 10% with 12% ramps and absolutely no protection from wind and sun … not to mention cars, motorbikes and very leg weary cyclists.

Tandem! Chapeau.

The legs are not exactly screaming at me but fatigue is certainly there so I set about finding that rhythm at around my base power and cadence and work my way onwards and upwards.  It’s an interesting thing to change one’s mindset from visualising how far it is and how much that’s going to hurt to a more favourable, “I’m here on one of the mythical peaks in all cycling and I’m going to stay in that moment and enjoy every pedal stroke”.  Well sort of but certainly there’s a good and a bad way to meet the challenge.

As I approach the summit I’m met with a full blown traffic jam; cars, pedestrians, cyclists and mahem fuelled by oxygen deprivation and delirium.

Chaos on the summit

I have to work my way through all this to eventually be rewarded by the most spectacular backdrop to any descent I’ve experienced.  After the rain of yesterday the atmosphere is crystal clear enabling the horizon to stretch out to the snow capped alps to the north.

Fantastic! The 6km run down to the lodge at Mont Serein is a treat that is completed with a shower, coffee and fresh baguette.  Training rides don’t come any better than that.

Strava link:


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  1. Tim says:


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