Arfur’s Creek Road Race

Short report on the Eastern Vets B grade race.

I’ve gotta say “I never!”

Never raced out here with all of 25 riders in the bunch.

Never seen a lot of these guys before – B grade gone viral.

Never had such gorgeous weather in April – 26 degrees – Indian Summer!

Never seen a guy take a ‘natural break’ in any race I’ve ever raced before and then get back on :-0

Never seen so many mechanicals before – too much shifting big ring small ring big ring?

Never thought I’d beat Nick Tapp out here – then learned he was stuck on the small chainring! Even his legs wouldn’t spin that fast so had to drop out.

Never lapped consistently at these speeds out on this course. Read my blogs!

Never bitten the bars so hard as we set off on the final lap. A couple of riders obviously out to trim down the bunch – and succeeding.

Never thought I’d be one of those who managed to survive to the final hill.

Never thought I’d get back on after the guy in front comes to a standstill with a mechanical. Bunch crested the hill and disappeared.

Never thought brother Quentin would help drag me back onto the bunch at the turnaround.

Never felt like such a heel before sitting on his wheel then outsprinting him to the line chasing 10th (or something) place.

Never gonna win a B grade race against this mob of ‘youngsters’.


Never say “never”!

Some stats and graphs:

Used the word ‘never’ 16 times 🙂

The Stats

The sprint from turn to the line:

The ups and downs of one lap out and back:



This entry was posted in 2012, April 21, Race Reports and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink.

One Response to Arfur’s Creek Road Race

  1. Kev says:

    Hey Nige, Love the blog…..good fun. Well done mate in what I hear was a hard race.
    Had the goss from Matty Rice. The training is paying off . Keep it up. Cheers Kev.
    …..and not one never!)

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