Mount Laguna Loop

Visiting San Diego for some meetings so only one thing for it – call up Jon and arrange a roll. He spread the word and we are joined by two riders, John and Jerry, itching for a mid-week run out to Kitchen Creek Road – in the East County hills. The morning fog has lifted by the time we drive out to the start point and already the temperature is rising into the 80’s (Fahrenheit used round these parts). There’s a strong gusting dry wind building from the North East which is sure to play a big part in the day’s proceedings.

Here’s the route:

We take off from the car park next to the 8 and head south through Pine Valley. After the first small descent it’s climb time already and I’m not ready – ouch! Breakfast is hanging heavy and I’m off the pace. Jerry powers off ahead with the others on his wheel until they notice I’m gone. First waiting stop of the day! My excuses of jetlag and tiredness wear thin pretty quickly so I’m keen to get these old muscles up to speed ASAP.

We connect up with the old Hwy 80 next to the 8 then make a right, er – left, on to Kitchen Creek Road.  I have already finished bidon 1 so we stop in at the Fire Station for refills. Once we leave there it’s a 12 mile climb all the way to the T intersection where we go right to the Mount Laguna general store.

The start of the climb up Kitchen Creek Road is on a wide 2 lane road which is exposed to the wind and steep with lots of sections around 10%. Already I’m missing my compact 50/34 and 11-28 gearing. I’m on a rented Specialized Tarmac sporting standard gearing 53/39, 12-25. That should be fine but I’m not used to that kind of grinding and the wind is not helping! Okay, I’m getting old(er) and soft!

John & Nigel grinding upwards

John looking comfortable


About half way up the climb the road narrows to a single lane and is decorated with grasses, pot holes and plenty of coyote poo. This really is remote stuff. No sign of any other traffic and no wonder it’s a favourite run for cyclists especially on weekends. Today we have it all to ourselves.

It’s always nice to look back down the valley where the hard work has already been done.

I’ve decided to wear my trophy jersey from La Marmotte ride but I’m afraid I wasn’t able to do it justice by showing my incredible climbing prowess! If it looks like I’m suffering – I am. The gradient is not consistent and varies from between 5 and 10% making getting into a rhythm difficult.

But it’s a beautiful climb especially near the top where the pine trees kick in.


Near the summit I start to hunger flat and begin cramming jelly Shots and Aussie ‘snakes’ which I snuck into the suitcase before leaving home for just such an eventuality. It’s enough to get me to the T-intersection and we push on to Mount Laguna general store where I scoff a can of coke and Cliff bar. After a short break I’m revived and with bidons refilled it’s time for the fun of the descent.

The route takes us down Sunrise Hwy which includes both fast descents as well as rolling climbs spiced with healthy cross winds to keep us alert. We are descending from 1,750m and off to the right there is a spectacular view of the Anza-Boreggo Desert State Park. John and Jerry are strong descenders leaving us flyweights, Jon and myself, floundering in their  jetstream. We generally regroup on the climbs then split again as they power off together again.

The run through the marshy area of Lake Cuyamaca is line astern behind Jerry who is taking great delight in powering along at over 40mph (65kph). After the long straight we zoom through a series of esses (s’s? S es?) which are a lot of fun at speed. We’re enjoying the cross-tail winds and the general negative gradient. However there are also plenty of those rolling climbs which are just a bit too tough to big ring given the tired legs. Still, the return to base is quick and a lot of fun.

The run home was not without incident with Jerry scoring a bee sting on the thumb when said insect decided to lodge in his glove. Then, almost within sight of the car, John scores a slow puncture. Luckily a quick pump enabled him to make it back with just a short walk up that last little climb. Four hot and sweaty bodies try to freshen up before the drive back for the obligatory coffee and water. Well deserved I’d say after 102km and 4 hours out in that heat. It hit 93F while we were out there.

Awesome ride in great company. Thanks boys! Enjoyed it immensely but the legs will take a while to recover.

All photos taken by Jon Powell. Thanks Jon!


Some stats:

Click image to zoom:


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One Response to Mount Laguna Loop

  1. Gerard Knapp says:

    Looks like a great ride, and relatively car-free, unlike Kinglake last week! I’m looking out at steadily falling rain here in Geelong, so make the most of those fine and warm days. Safe travels.

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