Sth Pacific RR Champs 300m sprint

Day 2 Morning.

300 metre straight line sprint off a small ramp onto the tarmac then a slight rise all the way to the line. I took home the bronze in 2010 with a time of 28.27 when there was a slight head wind. No wind today – perfecto!

Yep it's a straight line 😉

I’m ready to go in the left lane in the second heat. I’ve switched off thinking about my competitor because it all boils down to qualifying with the fastest time. The weather is clear and benign. No wind but it’s bloody cold: 5 degrees C this morning. Well it is the countryside after all…. the sun takes a little time to get out here … just go with it. I’ve been rolling quietly around the town in arm and leg warmers, long gloves, two pairs of socks and a rain coat to boot. It’s worked, I’m warm. The bike’s stripped to the basics and adjusted for sprinting – big ring, start gear selected. I’m also down to skin and lycra – ready.

Strange count down. 30 sec …. 15sec … 10 . 9 . 8 . 7 . 6 . silence . . . . .  go!

Down the ramp no worries but the hammies are straining with the effort to accelerate in that big gear. Cadence up to 100 – click – more acceleration – click – still out of the saddle – click – wind up another gear. The bike’s jumping around quite a lot and the front wheel keeps lifting … argh gotta lean further forward, losing time. Before I know it I’m half way down the track. Reality floods in with a rush. Only half way and suddenly here I am and it’s hurting. Click – one last gear for the big dig to the line. Nothing I can do now but push and try to hold a smooth line.

Finish. 27.71 seconds. Good enough to ride off for the gold.  Cool!


Four years of contesting this sprint and this is the closest I’ve been to gold. Picked up a bronze a few years back so that gives me some hope.

I’m up against last year’s winner and the winner of yesterday’s road race – Ian McGeogh. He’s a big fella who does most of his training on the track. Gonna be tough to take this one out.

Back on the ramp and all tensed up as the count hits “go!”  Great start again. I’m in front go go go – click down the same 4 gears only this time I’m leaning much further forward. The front wheel stays put and with a much better trajectory – more efficient. I’m still in front. Once again that rush of reality hits at the half way mark – is it adrenaline, the drastic rise in HR or the reality that there’s still another 150 metres to go? I’m thinking too much – keep powering. But it’s little use, no acceleration – I’m still in front – can I possible take this one out? Push harder but there’s no where to go. I’m max’d out.

With only 30 metres to the line Ian’s drawn up next to me. Damn! Legs “go harder!” But they can’t respond and he slowly edges past to take the win with barely a bike length in it. Wow I didn’t expect that and I’m happy with the race… good as I could do.

Official result:   Ian McGeogh 26.92sec  NF 27.28sec (a full second faster than last year!)

Dave McCormack wins the bronze in 28.14 so our club, Eastern fills the podium. Nice!

I go home with some nice silverware and an envelope stuffed with cash … well sort of.

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